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Leakey Foundation
A member supported organisation committed to research related to human origins.

Koobi Fora Research Project
The Journal of the The Koobi Fora Research Project and Paleoanthropology Research in Northern Kenya.

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
The National Museum of Natural History is dedicated to understanding the natural world and our place in it.

Becoming Human
Journey through the story of human evolution in an interactive documentary experience.

Les évolutions de l'homme.

The Stone Age Institute
The Stone Age Institute is a non-profit organization devoted to the study of technology, adaptation and evolution in human prehistory.

Paleoanthropology Society
The Paleoanthropology Society was founded in 1992. It recognizes that paleoanthropology is multidisciplinary in nature and the organization's central goal is to bring together physical anthropologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, geologists and a range of other researchers whose work has the potential to shed light on hominid behavioral and biological evolution.

Society of Africanist Archaeologist
The Society of Africanist Archaeologists is an organization of archaeologists, researchers from associated disciplines and others who share an interest in African archaeology and African societies.

Institute of Human Origins
The Institute of Human Origins (IHO) conducts, interprets and publicizes scientific research on the human career. IHO’s unique approach brings together scientists from diverse disciplines to develop integrated, bio-behavioral investigations of human evolution. Through research, education, and the sponsorship of scholarly interaction, IHO advances scientific understanding of our origins and its contemporary relevance. Combining interdisciplinary expertise and targeted funding, IHO fosters the pursuit of integrated solutions to the most important questions regarding the course, cause and timing of events in human evolution.

The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
The Wenner-Gren Foundation is committed to playing a leadership role in anthropology. We help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world. We dedicate ourselves to broadening the conversation in anthropology to reflect the full diversity of the field.

I S M E O — The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies
The Association’s purpose is to conduct study, training and research programmes related to the cultures and countries of Asia and Africa and their interactions with the Mediterranean basin. To this end, it promotes and develops cultural and scientific contacts and collaboration with individual institutions and national and international organizations.

The Palarq Foundation
The Palarq Foundation is a privately owned, non-for-profit organization created with the purpose of financing Spanish Archaeological and Human Paleontology missions outside of Europe. The area of research comprises from the paleontology era to the prehistorical epochs and the historical-monument relevant eras in general.